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Bem-te-vi Produções

Projects & Living Experiences into Films
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It was during the pilgrimage that the independent production company Bem-te-vi Produções was born, with its mission to enter different realities and serve as a bridge between minorities and society in a human and experiential way, using the tools of audiovisual, photography and sound, in addition to other means of communication, also developing complete projects with more fronts of actions, whether cultural, social, environmental and/or educational.


The welcome Bem-te-vi bird it's the "great kiskadee", a graceful and good-natured bird that displays its yellow breast across the skies, seeing the world from other points of view and proclaiming optimism and truth. Like the bird, the initiative flies to different cultures and realities, producing multi-cultural content that seeks to go further, connecting people as one.

Their portfolio includes global impactful works like "Balansophy" (2012 – honored at the Festival Passion For Freedom - London/UK), Progress,2012 in Morocco for an art residency (And'Art Casablanca), the collaboration with NGOs in Bolivia for Projeto Perfil, 2013), in Brazil supporting artists with their art work (2014), Watch Your Waste, 2015 initiative in Thailand, promoting recycling and cinema in schools, Social Entrepreneurs, 2016 as an art residency in Cambodia, nd the production of Better Days, 2016 in India, a six-episode series featured on platforms like Better India, Times Now, and Facebook, amassing over 500+k views.

Strengthening their focus in 2017, the duo concentrated on ethnographic projects across Latin America, spotlighting alternative lifestyles rooted in ancestral wisdom. They immersed themselves in the lives of various indigenous communities in Brazil, including the Guarani, Yawalapiti, Xavante, Kuikuro, Karajá, and most recently, the Huni Kui people. Their crowning achievement is the completion of their inaugural feature, a seven-year endeavor titled Eskawata Kayawai (2017-2023) chronicling the cultural journey of the Huni Kuin, co-produced with Norway. The film was accepted in more than 31 festivals in 15 countries, receiving 11 awards to date, and has a long 3-month tour with 45 screenings in Europe and the USA totaling 37 cities, in addition to another 20 exhibitions invited around the world and 8 exhibitions in indigenous territories in Brazil.

​From 2024-2028 they have a handful of projects going on related to the Atlantic Forest and Amazon biomes, with collaborations with other countries and collectives in Latin America. Projects that bring the local expression of the cultural diversity of original and traditional peoples, with emblems of their own language and understanding of the world, at the same time bring in a multicultural language, connecting with global issues where the entire population can identify, remember and reflect.

Bem-te-vi Produções

Projetos / Filmes / Fotografia / Ativismo 


Director and Producer
Bem-te-vi Produções

Since 2008 I have been walking through different cultures that broaden my horizon, and my art. This has always been my interest and point of research, the unveiling of other cultures and their relationships with the natural, and therefore sacred, world. In 2012, I began several experiences with traditional populations across the continents. From these experiences, films and cultural projects were invited to be born naturally, walking around the world.

Born in Curitiba, Paraná, graduated in Advertising at Universidade Positivo, where I started a documentary extension course in 2008, making my first short film. I lived in London from 2010-2012 where I studied and made films, getting to know different cultures and connecting with my Polish roots. But what really impacted me was going to India at the end of the fateful year of 2012, where gypsy life took on a new form. With a questioning and searching spirit, Lara has always been interested in going beyond what is imposed and presented, taking her on pilgrimages and getting to know other cultures. It came to be with the Berbers of Morocco, women stolen from India, healers in Bolivia, magicians in Guatemala, indigenous people in Thailand, with the descendants of the Incas in Peru, and finally with the original people of the land that is now called Brazil. ​


In this movement, he understood the ease of entering the most diverse universes, and thus serves his mission of creating multicultural projects, transmitting the beauty of the simplicity of traditional ancestral culture, of people living their truth, contacts that have always opened the most beautiful doors to meet and learn from notable beings, materializing projects of relevance to oneself and to others.

Patrick Belem is a free spirit. A medicine musician, photographer, filmmaker, illustrator and journalist (graduated in 2009 in Curitiba).


His main work, besides composing and singing medicine songs, is as director and director of photography for documentary films, seeking to connect people as one. The content as always a pluricultural message that reaches everyone's heart as one. The goal is to shorten the line in between different people and their diverse point of view.

All Bem-te-vi projects have always been mixed in their wanderings meeting people wherever they fly to, mixing as well the professional and the spiritual path, connecting everything altogether.

Patrick has a spiritual path that started very young, as his family owns a Kardecist Spiritual Center. At age 15, he had contemplated many different spiritual paths to practice self-knowledge, participating in the studies of Gurdjieff, the work of Trigueirinho and Santo Daime, until he met the Huni Kuin and drank the sacred ayahuasca medicine with them. The spiritual path have opened his personal and professional paths, which reverberate in the heart and is used as fuel for Patrick's movement, as above bellow, as outside inside.


Bem-te-vi Produções

Selections and Prizes






Eskawata Kayawai awards
"Honorable Mention" Construir Cine Film Festival ARG / "Best Documentary Feature Film" World Culture Film Festival USA / "Best Film - Jury Prize" Festival International du Film Chamanique FR /  "Best Documentary Film” and “Best Environmental Documentary Film" Nebrodi Cinema Film Festival IT/ "Best Cultural Diversity Film" Human-Environment Care Film Festival HECFF CA /  "Best Documentary Science and Spirituality" Outerbanks Environmental Film Festival USA / "Best Environmental Film" Festival SumaPaz CO /  "Best Documentary" Festival De Cine Latino Americano USA / “Best Culture film” Madonie Film Festival IT

CTLPFX Earth Day Festival, Portland 2016

Winner at "Best Film" - Hope Section -
with Profile Project - “Freddy Candia” (BO)
Honorable Mention at the educational section with
“Rescue Me” from the project Watch Your Waste (THAI)


II Festival O Cubo, Rio de Janeiro 2015
Honorable Mention - Profile Project  

with the short film "Freddy Candia" (BO)

I Festival O Cubo, Rio de Janeiro 2014

"It's Better"de The Yuya (UK) Best Music Video

by the official jury, entertainment category


Passion For Freedom, Londres 2013

“Special Award” / Honorable Mention
for the video art “Balansophy” (NY)

Public Funds SEEC, Paraná 2025-23

Banamel Project, an agroforestry invention - Paraná state
with the production of a documentary.


Public Funds Aldir Blanc Paraná 2025-24

Script Funding for "In The Light of kahpi" film development

Artist Residency, Spain 2024

Develop program for the documentary"In The light of kahpi"

Artist Residency, Cambodja 2016

Selected to the Mad Monkey Artist Residency, a month
making films with minorities and their social solutions.


Artist Residency, Thailand 2015

Residency following the project "Tropikos" in Bangkok
making a documentary to be premiered at the exhibition.

Public Funds through MINC, BR 2014

A itinerancy project at Bolívia making the 3 short film series "Profile Project" by the Ministry of Culture


Artist Residency, Morocco 2012

A month discovering Morocco in order to create a video art questioning what one loses and gain with "progress".

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